큰무리교회는 부모와 자녀가 함께 예배드리는 행복 공동체입니다.
Welcome to the website of The Great Multitude Presbyterian Church!
We hold our services with adults and children alike as part of a happy community.
Together we aim to partake in and help fulfill God’s vision for us.
We invite you to come out and join us!
주일예배 (Sunday service): 3:00PM
토요새벽기도회 (Saturday morning prayer): 7:00AM
주소 (Address): 4561 Langstaff Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 2B2
The Maranatha Christian Reformed Church has generously opened up their facilities for us to use, and we currently share one building.
Maranatha CRC holds services at 10:00AM and 4:30PM every Sunday.